The Madrasah

The Maktab has always played a pivotal role in developing the children of the Ummah. By and large it is at the Maktab that the child is equipped with all the basics of Deen, the fundamentals that enable him/her to live and practice as a true Mu’min (believer).

In many communities where no Maktab education was provided, children grew up without any knowledge of even the fundamentals of Islam. They could not fulfil any of the tenets of deen nor did they have the correct aqaaid (beliefs).

Every parent should regard it as his/her incumbent duty to find a suitable Madrasah for their child to attend daily. Parents should be firm on sending their children to learn the Quran as well as other basic tenets of Deen.

May Allah Ta’ala accept us, guide us, protect us and always be pleased with us. Aameen.

At Madrasah Darul Ihsaan, we offer a structured syllabus designed to engage our students who will find both stimulating and enjoyable.

Our teachers are qualified and skilled staff members who have created interactive classroom environments in which students are able to engage in discussions with their teachers and fellow students, learning and solidifying their understanding of Islam.  All Madrasah staff and those who come into contact with the students at Madrasah will have DBS and CRB checks.

Madrasah Darul Ihsaan currently provides Islamic education for both boys and girls, from the age of five. We provide teachings according to the syllabus summarised below.




To teach the correct Aqeedah (Beliefs of a Muslim).

To teach the recitation of the Qur’aan Shareef with tajweed .

To practically teach the manner of wudhu, ghusal, salaah, and other important aspects of ibaadaat (worship).

To teach and instil practically good Akhlaaq & Adaab (good manners and good character).

To instil the love of Allah Ta’ala, Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam , and the Sunnah in the hearts of the students.

To teach the Islamic History which includes the stories of Prophets and Nabi  Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam.

To teach on how to contend with and understand the current challenges facing the youth of the Muslim Ummah.

The Madrasah

Madrasah Classes


Our Madrasah operates during the following times:

 Weekdays: 17:15-18:45

 Madrasah is closed during Islamic Festivals and all School Holidays.

Madrasah Classes


The deadline for new admissions for the academic year 2021-22 is 31st May 2021, subject to availability. Admission forms must be completed for all new enrolments.

Child’s birth certificate, proof of address, admission fee and current applicable term fees MUST be accompanied with the admission form.

Madrasah Classes


Fees are payable at the beginning of each term. Parents may pay in two instalments or one lump sum if they so desire. Please enquire at the Madrasah office for details of current term fees.

The option to pay fees via bank transfer is available. When making a payment please ensure you write your child’s name and the class they are in as the payment reference.

Darul Ihsaan

Sort Code: 40-28-03

Account Number: 51663372

Madrasah Classes


1) Boys must wear a white hat, white Jabba

2) Girls must wear a black jubbah and white scarf

3) All books must be kept in good condition and students must have the necessary stationary

4) The consumption of sweets or chewing gum and the use of mobile phones are STRICTLY not permitted during Madrasah time


All students must observe the discipline of Madrasah. Improper conduct, bad behaviour or misuse of mosque equipment will not be tolerated and will result in the following:

1) A verbal warning

2) A written warning

3) Suspension.

Any gross misconduct will lead to immediate suspension and can lead to expulsion.


1) A note or phone call is required for any absence.

2) Written notification must be provided and approved in advance of any pre-arranged absence (e.g. holidays)

3) Written notification is required for any pupil wishing to be excused from lessons early

4) Written notification is required for any pupil that wishes to leave Madrasah

Other Parental Responsibilities

1) Parents must ensure that their children are brought and collected on time. (Please park cars considerately)

2) Parents must ensure that cleanliness is maintained (i.e. uniform, nails, socks etc.)

3) Parents must check their children’s homework and home work dairies every night to ensure that they are keeping up with lessons

4) Parents are advised to attend all parents’ evenings.

All queries and complaints must be addressed to the Head teacher, available from Mondays to Fridays between 5;15 –6:45. Please be advised, we will NOT tolerate abusive, threatening and violent conduct towards our staff by any parents. All policies including new enrolments and admissions are put in place by the management and should be adhered to.