About Us

Our Aims

  • Instil Islamic beliefs in the hearts of our students in the light of understanding the Qur’aan and Sunnah
  • Teach the basic and necessary Islamic lessons according to the Hanafi Madhab.
  • Introduce the life of the Holy Prophet (saw) with the intention that they have certain aspects of our prophets life in theirs.
  • Teach manners and conduct in line with Islamic etiquette and beliefs
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Who We Are

By the Grace of Allah Madrasah Darul Ihsaan was established in 2018 by Mufti Ziyaulhaq Patel Saab. Main purpose at the time was to provide a place for Jummah (Friday) prayer and Madrasah for the Muslim children.

It commenced by hiring out  The City Of Leicester college for evening madrasah from 5:15-6:45 then hiring the Evington leisure centre for Jummah.  

The Madrasah continues to grow from strength to strength and its sole purpose is to be regarded as a community which is making a positive difference within society and helping each other succeed in this world and for the hereafter.

In order for students to gain a good education, Mufti Sahib laid importance on keeping class sizes small. The less students there are in a class, the additional time and consideration the Mawlana/Aapa can give every one. All our Mawlanas/Aapas get to know each child personally and make a positive contribution to their development.

Our vision is to become a centre of excellence for Islamic learning and practice providing a beacon for both Muslims and other faith communities who wish to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of Islam – a place where one can experience and embrace the genuine beauty of our faith.

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